
Commander fork for the FunKey S

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

OD Commander is forked from DinguxCommander which is a file manager for RetroFW. It uses two vertical panels side by side, one being the source and the other the destination, like many 'commander-style' file managers such as Norton Commander or Midnight Commander.

DinguxCommander allows to:

  • Copy, move and delete multiple files.
  • View a file
  • Execute a file
  • Edit a file one line at the time
  • Rename a file or directory
  • Create a new directory
  • Display disk space used by a list of selected files/dirs
  • Display disk information (used, available, total)


  • D-pad
    Move cursor/highlight

  • L/R
    Page up/page down

  • A
    On a directory: Open
    On a file: View or execute

  • B
    Go to parent directory or cancel

  • X
    Opens a menu with actions on selected item(s):

    • Copy (to destination directory)
    • Move (to destination directory)
    • Rename (appears only if 1 item is selected)
    • Delete
    • Display disk used
  • Y
    Opens system actions menu:

    • Select all items
    • Select no items
    • Create new directory
    • Display disk information
    • Quit program
    Select highlighted item (selected items are displayed in red)

    Open highlighted directory in destination panel
    If a file is highlighted, open current directory in destination panel


For instance to change the UI/font size on e.g. Steam Deck create a file called commander.cfg in ~/.config/ (also called $HOME/.config/) with these settings in it:


You can find other settings in this source file: https://github.com/od-contrib/commander/blob/079a84c8a8cc25e1899cb11bcfce8e9e2ed9fca9/config.h


To build for RetroFW, run:

BUILDROOT=<path to buildroot> ./build.sh retrofw

To build for RG350/GKD350h, run:

BUILDROOT=<path to buildroot> ./build.sh rg350

The package will be built at build-retrofw/commander.ipk.

To build for FunKey S, run:

TOOLCHAIN=<path to toolchain> ./build.sh funkey-s

The package will be built at build-funkey-s/commander_funkey-s.opk.

To build for the host system, run:


DinguxCommander credits