
Vpipe Jekyll Custom Theme

Primary LanguageTeX


Vpipe Jekyll custom site draft version


Currently each md file has their own navigation structure in front-matter, the display logic is in navigation.html located in the _includes folder.

Hero carousel

Content can be added/edited in the heroCarousel collection.

  • Ideally, images should be sized at 1460x872 (in a 5:3 aspect ratio) to optimize for retina displays, with a minimum size of 730x438.

Get started with V-pipe

Content can be added/edited in the getStartedColumns collection

V-pipe in numbers

This is currently hard-coded in vpipe_number.html in _includes

Why choose V-pipe

Content can be added/edited in the whyVpipe collection

Meet the V-pipe team

Content can be added/removed in the events.yml file in the _data folder. The logic will check the data against the current date and put them either in the upcoming- or past events.

V-pipe funding

Content is hard-coded in the funding.html file in the _includes folder


Content can be added/removed in the _footer collection and the footer.html in the _includes folder.