
Set of packages to make development easier

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contributors Stargazers


Set of packages to make development easier :)


  • lushan-export-to-csv
  • lushan-random-string


You can export records stored in the Mongo DB, to a CSV file.


npm install @dracaster/lushan-export-to-csv@1.0.0


const csv = require(‘lushan-export-to-csv’);



Definition and usage:

Allows you to generate a csv batch. This method returns the download link of the generated file


csv.exportCsv(EntityName, Headers, Cursor, BaseUrl, DestinationFolder)

Parameters values

  • EntityName : Required. Name of the entity you want to export. This will be used to generate the file name. For example citizens, companies, etc. (Type: String)

  • Headers : Required. Will be used as a column heading. (Type: Array)

  • Cursor : Required. A pointer to the result set of a query. Will be used to generate the batch. More information about cursors in MongoDB: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/glossary/#term-cursor

  • BaseUrl : Required. API base Url (Type: String)

  • DestinationFolder : Required. Destination folder where the csv is generated. This folder must exist in your project. (Type: String)


const csv = require(‘lushan-export-to-csv’);

const headers = ['name','telephone']

const baseUrl = "YOUR_API_URL"

/*This is an example of how you can get a cursor in MongoDB_
In this example I want to filter on my people collection, and get certain fields*/

//queryFilters: filters to apply
//headers: I return the fields that I require to generate my csv (These will be the headers in my batch file)

let cursor = await people.find(queryFilters, headers).cursor()

csv.exportCsv('My-Company', headers, cursor, baseUrl, 'batches')