Drachenhorn is a Programm to create "Pen & Paper"-Characters on any Rule-System based on the "Das Schwarze Auge" (German, The Dark Eye)
"The PDF is really annoying and takes some time to fill completely. Daniel couldn't you create something to help with that?" - Our Gamemaster
And that is how this all started.
Select a Rule-System and create the Character using the helper like a simple Installer. (Not finished yet)
The code to read the Character-Sheets (".dsac") and Rule-Templates (".dsat") can be found on NuGet for anybody to use.
For any Bug-Reports or Feature-Request please open an Issue containing all needed information.
Anyone can help if he/she wants to. I really appreciate any help. Just fork it and create Pull-Request when finished.
But please wait for Version 0.1.0 for me to establish basic behavior.