
Blazingly fast building and testing framework.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A modern, fast and powerful building and testing framework.


  • 🚀 Powerful building & testing tools.
  • 🌐 Universal, made for all languages & all projects.
  • 📦 Lightweight and robust workflow.
  • 💫 Easy & extensible development.
  • ⚡ Lightning fast task execution.

Getting Started

To install Vanadin, run cargo install vanadin.

Once installed, run vanadin init to initialize a .vanadin folder in your project.
Now you are able to specify tasks in the .vanadin/Vanadin.toml file and create your own scripts.
The default script location is .vanadin/tasks/..., so it's good practice to begin your jouney here.


If you installed and started working with Vanadin, you may want to check out the official Vanadin Online Book.