
The rest API used by napari to query plugins

Status: vercel

how this repo works

  1. The fetch action is triggered by:
    • any push to the main branch
    • a cron job every 10 minutes
    • a workflow_dispatch triggered manually from the actions page
    • TODO: a comment on an issue that says please re-index (or something like that)
  2. When triggered, the fetch action
    1. installs npe2
    2. calls npe2 fetch --all -o public/manifest which
    3. runs scripts/ which validates the manifests and builds any aggregates/indices.
    4. commits these changes to the main branch using git-auto-commit-action
  3. This triggers vercel to build the (fully static) API and deploy to
  4. Endpoints:

local development

to run the next.js app locally:

git checkout
cd npe2api
npm i
npm run dev