
Pathtracer written long time ago when I was still a naive programmer.

Primary LanguageC++

= Raynder =

== TO DO ==

  • Use a better random generator
  • Use gamma 2.2 for float to integer conversion
  • Fix firefly
  • Fix anti-firefly (some pixel remain dark). It comes from NAN value.
  • Implement Russian Roulette termination
  • Importance sample at least according to "cos(theta)".
  • Fix black light bug (because the first ray from camera does not sample the light)
  • Next event estimation
  • Remove useless SFML dependencies (audio, network, ...)
  • Add other BSDF (reflection, refraction)
  • Improve variance:
  • Add tone mapping
  • Load object from files
  • Bidirectional Path-tracing
  • Profile and optimize code