
script to turn on or off proxy for debian based systems such as ubuntu, raspberry,...

Primary LanguagePython


script to turn on or off proxy for debian based systems such as ubuntu, raspberry,...


git clone https://github.com/Dragon2fly/proxy_manager.git
cp proxy_manager/proxy_manager.py . && rm -r -f proxy_manager/

or download https://github.com/Dragon2fly/proxy_manager/archive/master.zip and extract proxy_manager.py into your $HOME directory


./proxy_manager.py cmd [proxy_address port] [no_proxy_address]


  • cmd                         :on or off, turn on or off proxy
  • proxy_address       : addess of the proxy, not include http:// and similar
  • port                          : port of the proxy
  • no_proxy_address : address to be excluded from proxy


You have a proxy http://myproxy.com:8080

  • Set system wide proxy:
$ ./proxy_manager.py on myproxy.com 8080
  • You don't want to use this proxy on .mydomain.com, www.abc.com:
$ ./proxy_manager.py on myproxy.com 8080 .mydomain.com www.abc.com
  • You don't need proxy anymore:
$ ./proxy_manager.py off

Set default proxy:

  • Open proxy_manager.py for editing.

    $ gedit proxy_manager.py
  • Then replace these below lines

    addr0, port0 = '', ''
    exclude0 = ''
  • into:

    addr0, port0 = 'myproxy.com', '8080'
    exclude0 = '.mydomain.com,www.abc.com'
  • From now, you can turn on/off proxy just by

    $ ./proxy_manager.py on
  • If you put a proxy on command line, it will overwrite the default one.