
Creating a repository to collect and share all mentorship exercises and documentation. If interested in getting involved with PHP mentoring, go check out [PHPMentoring.org](http://phpmentoring.org).


PHPMentoring exercises

These are exercises used during the PHPMentorships I had with people, sharing them to the community.


This is the list of mentorships I had, providing for each mentorship a separate branch. All mentorships will be combined into master branch to keep records of all activity.


I had a mentorship with hbeague on scalability and bringing PHP coding to the next level. You will find all exercises and documentation in branch scalability as in this master repository.

Getting involved

Go to PHPMentoring and sign yourself up as padawan (who seeks mentorship) or as mentor (who gives mentorship). There's no money involved here and all is done out of free will and passion. If you're seeking ways to make money training people, this is not the spot.

Copyright 2013 Michelangelo van Dam, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License