
Basic camera preview controller based on GPUImage library inside.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

I'm writing this since I couldn't find a open source with complete basic source to start develop camera application from, and is based on GPUImage library inside.

This example contains the following features.

  1. front camera preview / still capture / video capture

  2. back camera preview / still capture / video capture

  3. flipping camera

  4. torch control

  5. tap to focus

  6. add/remove filter

  7. face detection

  8. pinch to zoom in/out

I'm going to add more features that every camera application must have.

Please don't hesitate to contribute on this project. Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  • To take photo,
takePhoto({ image in
    let photoVC = PhotoViewController()
    photoVC.image = image
    self.present(photoVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
  • To take video,
// to start

// to finish

// to handle success
extension ViewController: CameraPreviewControllerDelegate {
    func cameraPreview(_ controller: CameraPreviewController, didSaveVideoAt url: URL) {
        // which is file url in temporary directory
    func cameraPreview(_ controller: CameraPreviewController, didFailSaveVideoWithError error: Error) {
  • To change camera,
switch cameraPosition {
    // do something
  • To control torch,
torchMode = .on
torchMode = .off
torchMode = .auto
  • To add, remove filters
add(filter: filter)
  • To detect face,
// set true somewhere
isFaceDetectorEnabled = true

// handle result
func cameraPreview(_ controller: CameraPreviewController, detected faceFeatures: [CIFaceFeature]?, aperture: CGRect, orientation: UIDeviceOrientation) {
    guard let faces = faceFeatures, faces.count > 0 else {
    // do something


Xcode8, Swift 3


Sample: TinyLog, GPUImage, PureLayout, SwiftARGB, Dimmer

Pods: TinyLog, GPUImage, PureLayout


CameraPreviewController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CameraPreviewController"


DragonCherry, dragoncherry@naver.com


CameraPreviewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.