
Running dragon as an executor from within a larger python program

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I would like to use dragon as within the context of a larger piece of python software (Cubed - see cubed-dev/cubed#467). In particular I want to write an equivalent to Cubed's ProcessesExecutor (or ThreadsExecutor) but which uses Dragon as the concurrent_executor.

All this executor needs to do is execute a series of stages each made up of a number of embarrasingly parallel tasks (each of which are python functions). I just want Dragon to launch the tasks in parallel for me across a whole HPC allocation.

I'm looking through the docs and I have two main questions:

1) Should I use the dragon.workflows.parsl_executor.DragonPoolExecutor?

That seems like a drop-in replacement, but if that's actually using Parsl (which I noticed got built when I built the dragon executable) and that's all I want to use then would I be better off not bothering with Dragon and just using the parsl.executors.ThreadPoolExecutor instead? What's the difference?

2) How do I launch dragon from within the context of another python program?

All the docs examples seem to say that you use dragon to launch another python program from the command line like this

dragon my_python_script.py

, and dragon works by

replacing all standard Multiprocessing classes with Dragon equivalent classes before CPython resolves the inheritance tree.

(from Inheritance and Multiple Start Methods.)

But this is inconvenient if I can't represent my workload as a single standalone python script. Instead I ideally want to be able to call the Executor from inside a running python process on an interactive job (e.g. from within a jupyter notebook cell) and have it execute across a whole allocation.

Do I need to somehow auto-generate this script and make a subprocess.call to the dragon executable?

Or if I try omitting the dragon executable (mentioned on this page) then I'm not sure what this implies:

The Dragon core library can still be imported via e.g. from dragon.managed_memory import MemoryPool and used. In this case, the "dragon" start method must not be set. The infrastructure will not be started.

This part:

Note that all other parts of the Dragon stack, in particular the Dragon Native API require the running Dragon infrastructure and are thus not supported without patching Multiprocessing.

seems to be saying that I can still use Dragon Core but not Dragon Native from within a python program that I didn't launch using the dragon executable. Is the dragon.workflows.parsl_executor.DragonPoolExecutor in Dragon Core or Dragon Native?

@applio you said you

got dragon to run the add-asarray.py example single node as the executor already

so I'm curious what your approach was?

cc @tomwhite

@TomNicholas and I chatted Monday (yesterday) and I promised a PR for cubed with the example I got working when traveling back from the SciPy Conference in July (where Tom and I got to meet in person).

Along with my PR for cubed, I will add an example for the Dragon repo as well to showcase how to use cubed and Dragon via cubed's existing use of concurrent.futures/multiprocessing.

No worries - @applio actually came to our meeting yesterday and explained how he got around this problem by spawning the processes using dragon manually. (See the Cubed on Dragon notes in here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FkLZ3NjXlzlc7p4mr1GtWuPGKN3-E991dQEdPv6bNc/edit?usp=drivesdk)

Once he shares the PR I will link it here in case anyone else in future has the same question.

I have posted 2 PRs against Cubed just now:

Discussion of those PRs can probably continue there but would it be helpful to continue on any topics here in this thread? (We can always create a new one too.)

I think the Dragon docs could probably explain how to do this spawn trick.

from inside a running python process on an interactive job

This is also still not clear to me - I raised cubed-dev/cubed#557 on Cubed to discuss that.