TBP CA-A website rework, build in Django
Vagrant will automatically setup a virtual machine with the correct
setup for developing hknweb
Install Vagrant and VirtualBox Try to install Virtual Box 6.0.14, as there have been some issues in the past with other versions of Virtual Box in terms of compatibility of Vagrant.
Fork the tbpweb repository and clone your fork to your local machine
Open terminal, and cd into the cloned directory. Check to make sure there is a Vagrantfile in the directory. From there, type
$ vagrant up
which will download and boot a Linux virtual machine, then run setup.
To access the environment, run
$ vagrant ssh
which will ssh
your terminal into the virtual machine.
See Development for how to run the Django web server.
From here, run
$ cd tbpweb
Developing on tbpweb
requires a virtual environment so that every developer has the exact same development environment i.e. any errors that a developer has is not due to difference in configuration. We will be using Python's built-on venv
to make our virtual environment. This command creates our virtual environment.
$ make venv
Next, we need to have our current terminal/shell use the virtual environment we just created. We do this through:
$ source .venv/bin/activate
To install all dependencies (including django), run
$ make install
There may be warnings that installation of some packages failed, but as long as you can run the command below successfully you are good to go.
If you make any Django changes (to the database models, for instance) you will have to create and migrate migrations. You can do so with the command below. If there were changes to database models made by other developers and you pulled those changes, you just have to run make migrate.
$ make migrations
$ make migrate
If you would like to access the admin interface, create a superuser using the command
$ make superuser
Finally, to run the web instance, simply run the command
$ make run
This will start the development server at If you go into your web browser and access localhost:3000, you should be able to see the site now!
To access the admin site, access Use the credentials you created for your superuser to login.
To exit out of the pipenv shell, run
$ exit
The same command can be used to exit out of the virtual machine ssh connection.
To turn off the virtual machine, run
$ vagrant halt
which will attempt to safely shutdown the virtual machine, or kill it otherwise.