

A considerable part windows kernel struct does not appear in public symbols

列如_DEBUG_OBJECT结构 该结构在windows公有符号中无法搜索

Such as the _DEBUG_OBJECT structure. This structure cannot be searched in windows public symbols

而实际上 该结构在win7 7600中为

In fact, the structure in win7 7600 is

typedef struct _DEBUG_OBJECT
	/* 0x0000 */ struct _KEVENT EventsPresent;
	/* 0x0018 */ struct _FAST_MUTEX Mutex;
	/* 0x0050 */ struct _LIST_ENTRY EventList;
	/* 0x0060 */ unsigned long Flags;
	/* 0x0064 */ long __PADDING__[1];
} DEBUG_OBJECT, *PDEBUG_OBJECT; /* size: 0x0068 */


Use windbg to load private symbols for verification

同理还有更多结构体被隐藏 他们均不会出现在公共符号中 如果用IDA加载私有符号 则情况如下(IDA伪代码未做任何修改 只是单纯的加载私有NT内核符号)

In the same way, there are more structures that are hidden and they will not appear in public symbols. If you use IDA to load private symbols, the situation is as follows (IDA pseudo-code has not been modified, but only private NT kernel symbols are loaded)

转储来源项目: (该项目转储自带部分BUG 对私有符号兼容性有一定问题 所以部分结构可能出现小差错)

The dump source project: (this project dump comes with some bugs and has certain problems with the compatibility of private symbols, so some structures may have some problem)


If you need to dump other kernel driver modules, please leave a message


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