🐲 A proxy to allow Minecraft: Bedrock clients to connect to Minecraft: Java Edition servers.
- 109C
- aFoxNamedMorris
- ApocalypsjeNLThe Netherlands
- conan513Single Player Project
- cr08Columbus, Ohio
- Creeperface01@Lemenio-com , @Ipsos-CX
- deathcap
- DefinitlyEvilEvil
- DrkMatr1984Volunteer Java Programmer
- ethsmithUnited States
- exepx
- FlamingPaw@SilverServers
- fredkilbournKilbourn IT, LLC.
- FurnishedChunk
- Gargash
- growlfThe NetYeti LLC
- HoverEpicFrance
- jhcloos
- kengonakajimamonoAI technology
- laurentoget
- Lepik171-cmd
- liachOracle
- MatsvThe Netherlands
- MeWulf@Noxcrew
- motammiWhow Games GmbH
- naonaoyhbaoxian.com
- ObscenityIB
- Omegagrim
- Rai-Ka
- RazvanDu
- sgdc3@AppfactorySrl
- SkidRunnerSkidRunner
- Spiffyk@CZ-NIC Labs
- Sunconure11
- TheComputerGeek2
- wsimon98