
Puppet module for installing and configuring MIT Kerberos v5

Primary LanguagePuppet


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Examples
  4. Classes and Resources
  5. Limitations
  6. License
  7. Development


This Puppet module is designed to facilitate the installation and configuration of MIT Kerberos. The primary scope includes installing the user utilities (kinit, etc) on the system and populating krb5.conf with the appropriate sections.

Other tasks such as setting up KDC services are not covered.



Simple example

Full puppet code

class { 'mit_krb5':
  default_realm      => 'INSECURE.LOCAL',
  permitted_enctypes => ['des-cbc-crc', 'des-cbc-md5'],
  allow_weak_crypto  => true
class { 'mit_krb5::logging':
  default => ['FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log', 'SYSLOG']
mit_krb5::realm { 'INSECURE.LOCAL':
  kdc          => ['kdc1.insecure.local', 'kdc2.insecure.local'],
  admin_server => 'kpasswd.insecure.local',
mit_krb5::domain_realm { 'INSECURE.LOCAL':
  domains => ['insecure.local', '.insecure.local']

Yields the following krb5.conf:

    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
    default = SYSLOG

    default_realm = INSECURE.LOCAL
    permitted_enctypes = des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5
    allow_weak_crypto = true

        kdc = kdc1.insecure.local
        kdc = kdc2.insecure.local
        admin_server = kpasswd.insecure.local

    insecure.local = INSECURE.LOCAL
    .insecure.local = INSECURE.LOCAL

Hiera integration

The previous example can also be written as follows:

include mit_krb5
include mit_krb5::logging

with the following Hiera data:

mit_krb5::default_realm: 'INSECURE.LOCAL'
mit_krb5::allow_weak_crypto: true

  - 'des-cbc-crc'
  - 'des-cbc-md5'

  - 'FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log'
  - 'SYSLOG'

      - 'kdc1.insecure.local'
      - 'kdc2.insecure.local'
    admin_server: 'kpasswd.insecure.local'

      - 'insecure.local'
      - '.insecure.local'

Mimic the example file shipped with CentOS/RHEL

class { 'mit_krb5::install': }
class { 'mit_krb5':
  default_realm    => 'EXAMPLE.COM',
  dns_lookup_realm => false,
  dns_lookup_kdc   => false,
  ticket_lifetime  => '24h',
  renew_lifetime   => '7d',
  forwardable      => true,
class { 'mit_krb5::logging':
  default      => 'FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log',
  kdc          => 'FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log',
  admin_server => 'FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log'
mit_krb5::realm { 'EXAMPLE.COM':
  kdc          => 'kerberos.example.com',
  admin_server => 'kerberos.example.com'
mit_krb5::domain_realm { 'EXAMPLE.COM':
  domains => ['.example.com', 'example.com']

Classes and Resources

The module was structured into resources/classes that resemble the sections of krb5.conf.


Top-level class that installs MIT Kerberos and controls krb5.conf file. Class parameters are used to define top-level directives and contents of [libdefaults] section.

Top-level directives

  • include - (arrays allowed)
  • includedir - (arrays allowed)
  • module - (arrays allowed)

Parameters from libdefaults section

  • default_realm - Must be set to non-empty
  • default_keytab_name
  • default_tgs_enctypes
  • default_tkt_enctypes
  • default_ccache_name
  • permitted_enctypes
  • allow_weak_crypto
  • clockskew
  • ignore_acceptor_hostname
  • k5login_authoritative
  • k5login_directory
  • kdc_timesync
  • kdc_req_checksum_type
  • ap_req_checksum_type
  • safe_checksum_type
  • preferred_preauth_types
  • ccache_type
  • canonicalize (mit_krb5 1.11+ - RHEL6/wheezy only have 1.10)
  • dns_canonicalize_hostname
  • dns_lookup_kdc
  • dns_lookup_realm
  • dns_fallback
  • realm_try_domains
  • extra_addresses
  • udp_preference_limit
  • verify_ap_req_nofail
  • ticket_lifetime
  • renew_lifetime
  • noaddresses
  • forwardable
  • proxiable
  • rdns
  • plugin_base_dir

File parameters

  • krb5_conf_path - Path to krb5.conf (default: /etc/krb5.conf)
  • krb5_conf_owner - Owner of krb5.conf (default: root)
  • krb5_conf_group - Group of krb5.conf (default: root)
  • krb5_conf_mode - Mode of krb5.conf (default: 0444)

System parameters

  • alter_etc_services - Should kerberos udp and tcp entries be managed in /etc/services (default: false)


Class to install Kerberos client package(s). This class is included from mit_krb5. If you wish to set the packages parameter, do so before declaring/including mit_krb5 or use hiera.


  • packages - Override facter-derived defaults for Kerberos packages (default: undef)


Resource to add entries to the [realms] section.

Realm name is specified by resource title

Parameters from realm section

  • kdc - (arrays allowed)
  • kpasswd_server
  • master_kdc
  • admin_server - (arrays allowed)
  • database_module
  • default_domain
  • v4_instance_convert
  • v4_name converts
  • v4_realm
  • auth_to_local_names
  • auth_to_local
  • pkinit_anchors
  • pkinit_pool
  • rotate_servers - Whether to apply a random rotation to the list of KDCs and admin servers so that the server usage is more evenly distributed. (Default: false)


Class to configure [logging] section

Parameters from logging section

  • default - (arrays allowed)
  • defaults - Replaces default parameter (for use in Puppet 2.7)
  • admin_server - (arrays allowed)
  • kdc - (arrays allowed)


Resource to add entries to [domain_realm] section.


  • domains - Domains to be mapped into realm - (arrays allowed)
  • realm - Realm to map into - (default: resource title)


Resource to add entries to [appdefaults] section.

Currently, this module only supports this format of appdefaults:

application = {
    option1 = value
    option2 = value


realm = {
    option = value


  • debug
  • ticket_lifetime
  • renew_lifetime
  • forwardable
  • krb4_convert
  • ignore_afs


The following appdefaults section

        forwardable = false

could be obtained with

::mit_krb5::appdefaults { 'EXAMPLE.ORG':
    forwardable => false


Class to configure [dbmodules] section

Parameters from dbmodules section

  • db_module_dir

Per realm:

  • database_name
  • db_library
  • disable_last_success
  • disable_lockout
  • ldap_cert_path
  • ldap_conns_per_server
  • ldap_kadmind_dn
  • ldap_kdc_dn
  • ldap_kerberos_container_dn
  • ldap_servers (arrays allowed)
  • ldap_service_password_file


Configuration sections other than those listed above are not yet supported. This includes:

  • capaths
  • dbdefaults
  • login
  • plugins

Stub classes for those sections exist but will throw an error.


Apache License, Version 2.0


This module was initially created by Patrick Mooney (@pfmooney) and forked by CC-IN2P3 in Oct. 2014.


Please report issues or submit a pull request.