
An automation bot for automatically entering my zoom classes with an SQLite database for storing meeting joins and stats.

Primary LanguagePython


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Hello! I created this mainly to automatically join my own zoom classes. The code is mainly personalized for my own convenience but just in case if you wanna know how to get it to work I'll be providing the details down below.

I had a script before that also auto-joins me to my zoom classes but with less features and less reliability which you find at this link. I mainly created this new one as an improved version of that script.


  • To be able to join a zoom meeting, you first have to go to config/settings.json and inside the "meetings" property array, you have to set your zoom meetings there with its details such as the "days" of when the day of the week it occurs and "hour" of the hour it starts in 24-hour clock format. Each string in the days array must be lowercase.
  • You can ignore the "chrome_profile" property for now. I'm still planning a feature that uses it.
  • The "is_exe" just asks if you're going to run the bot from an .exe file or from the source code.
    "chrome_profile": "",
    "is_exe": false,
    "meetings": [
        "name": "Mathematics",
        "link": "https://zoom.us/j/<meeting_code>",
        "days": ["monday", "wednesday"],
        "hour": { "start": "12:00", "end": "12:40" }
        "name": "Media Information and Literacy",
        "link": "https://zoom.us/j/<meeting_code>",
        "days": ["tuesday", "thursday"],
        "hour": { "start": "13:55", "end": "14:35" }
  • In the "link" you have to provide the zoom link that directly leads to the meeting. Once that time comes of when the zoom meeting starts. Your web browser is going to open that link you stored in the "link" property.
  • As an extra convenience tip, make sure to check the checkbox circled with red in the image so you don't have to go through that confirmation tab over and over again whenever my code starts joining you.

Picture of confirmation tab

  • There's also an SQLite database in the sql directory that just stores the meetings you join, of when you join them, and when you open the program.
  • One last note, is that I mainly use this by compiling my program to an .exe file with pyinstaller then just changing the values in config/settings.json to my meetings. And of course, I hid them for privacy reasons.


If you have any questions you can contact me via discord. My discord tag is dragunwf.