
"Small" VM-based scripting language. A pet project of mine that I work on when I am bored.

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A pet project of mine that I slowly work on when I am bored. TurtleScript is intended to be a small VM-based scripting language that is intended to be statically-typed, procedural, and structured. I intend for it's syntax to be extremely similar to C. Currently, this can only assemble and disassemble some VM bytecode, but one day it might actually be usable.

Intended syntax

My intended syntax is practically C, with some minor changes to make it more succinct, readable, and scripty. I intend to keep the language syntax verbose, so that code written is always explicit. I intend for this to feel like C, if C were a scripting language. The syntax is subject to change as I actually develop the language.

// structure typedefs can written more succinctly:
struct StructOfPrimitiveTypes {
    u64 unsinged_64_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 64-bit uint is 'u64'
    s64 singed_64_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 64-bit int is 's64'
    u32 unsinged_32_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 32-bit uint is 'u32'
    s32 singed_32_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 32-bit int is 's32'
    u16 unsinged_16_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 16-bit uint is 'u16'
    s16 singed_16_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 16-bit int is 's16'
    u8 unsinged_8_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 8-bit uint is 'u8'
    s8 singed_8_bit_value; // the primitive type for a 8-bit int is 's8'
    f32 float_value; // the primitive type for a single is 'f32
    f64 double_value; // the primitive type for a double is 'f64'
    void* pointer_to_void; // pointers are declared in the same way as in c
    u32* pointer_to_u32; // however pointers should have bounds-checking within the VM
    StructName* pointer_to_StructName; // structs inherently declare theirselves

static StructOfPrimitiveTypes sPrimitiveTypes; // the 'static' keyword means that this symbol is not visible outside of this module
StructOfPrimitiveTypes* gpPrimitiveTypes = &sPrimitiveTypes; // this, however, is

void StructOfPrimitiveTypes_Construct(StructOfPrimitiveTypes* this) {
    this->pointer_to_StructName = this;

struct Vec3 {
    f32 x;
    f32 y;
    f32 z;

// structured operator functions can be explicitly declared
// this will be used for non-primitives if the lvalue and rvalue point to the types in this signature at compile time
+(Vec3* lvalue, Vec3* rvalue) {
    lvalue->x += rvalue->x;
    lvalue->y += rvalue->y;
    lvalue->z += rvalue->z;

// Initializers work the same as C
Vec3 up = { 0, 1, 0 };

// the 'native' keyword symbolizes something that is from the parent program
native s32 printf(const char* format, ...);
native u32 deadbeef; // I may consider making native values unwritable for safety

// you must declare functions with empty parameters as having void parameters
s32 main(void) {
    u32 badfood0 = 0xBADFOOD0;

    printf("Hello, world! %X\n", deadbeef); // calls printf from the host program, must be explicitly registered
    printf("I just ate %X at %P\n", badfood0, &badfood0);

    return 1;