Haskell runtime for clean derivative language
A Pure Functional language implementation relying on graph-reduction of syntax-trees to reduce/evaluate expressions. The project will include
- defining a simple language syntax,
- creating a parser with the library parsec to parse source code into syntax-tree(s),
- implementing the reduction algorithm to compute expressions
- and creating a simple gui (using a suitable library) that allows the user to input text, have that expression be evaluated and the answer displayed.
Minimal goals (of the language) consist of being able to
- compute basic algebraic expressions (eg
1 + 2
), - save results to variables (eg
x := 1 + 2
) - and create/use functions (
f := x -> x + 2
and then1 | f
The GUI should fill it's purpose. However, not much effort will be made in order to make it look fancy.
Further features might include varying amounts of syntactic-sugar and language features (such as: more datatypes, data structures, symbolic computation etc), depending on how much time it takes.