
Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Ex-Tracker


Create a page to keep track of your ex-spouse so you never see them again:

  1. Bootstrap 3
  2. Grunt
  3. Culmination of Technologies learned in last 3 months
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript


An Ex Avoidance App

User can see a bio of Ex

User can see a list of locations the Ex frequents

User can filter locations by time of arrival or a custom search query.


Home Page

Home Page



Mobile Home Page

Mobile Home Page

Mobile NavBar

Mobile NavBar

How To Run

  1. Clone this repo and cd into it
  2. Install HTTP-Server and grunt-browserify via npm
  3. cd into lib directory and run grunt
  4. In Terminal, type hs -p 8090
  5. Navigate to localhost:8090 in your browser

Specs By

Nashville Software School
Callan Morrison


Drake Morrison