A* implemented in python

This project implements the a* pathfinding algorithm in python
For more information on the A* algorithm, please look here

Maze Class

This is a class that represents the maze with a start, an end, and walls.
Walls fill a cell and make it impossible to pass-through.


The maze is represented as a 2d array, with 0's being spaces you can pass through, and 1's being walls. Each cell is addressed as a tuple containing 2 values, the x and y coordinate of the cell, indexed at 0, starting from the top left corner. (I.E. (0,0) would be the top left corner)

the constructor for this class takes many parameters, but most of them have default values.


Parameter default explanation
height 10 the height of the maze
width 10 the width of the maze
walls empty array a list of tuples containing the location tuples of a wall
start (0,0) the position you are meant to start the maze, as a location tuple
end bottom right corner the position you are meant to win the maze, as a location tuple


There are 3 heuristics that you can use 0 - Euclidean Distance 1 - Diagonal Distance 2 - Manhattan Distance

For more information, please look here


def  __init__(self, height=10, width=10, walls=[], start=(0,0), end=None):


The only method is one for representing the maze as a string, if you print the maze object, it will look nice.

a_star Function

The a_star function is the function that actually solves the maze, and returns a list of location tuples in the order that the maze can be solved in.


Parameter default explanation
maze N/A A maze object that will be solved
v False print a representation of the maze at every step
h_type 0 a selector for the heuristic that calculates the distance between the end and the current cell


def  a_star(maze, v=False, h_type=0):