Ruth2 and Roth2 are low-poly mesh bodies, specifically designed for OpenSimulator. They are built to use standard Second Life(TM) UV maps using scratch-built open source mesh bodies by Shin Ingen with other open source contributions from the OpenSimulator Community.
This repo has been split into 4 new repos to clarify where things belong:
- Ruth2:
- Roth2:
- Reference:
- Extras:
The files that were moved have been deleted from the master branch of this repo, however they remain in the archived branches. The 'archive-repo-split' branch contains the last state of the Ruth repository before the split occurred.
- Github Repository:
- Discord Discussion Forum:
- Discord Discussion Forum Invitation (open to all):
- MeWe Community Page:
- Second Life Groups: "RuthAndRoth" and "Ruth and Roth Community"
- OpenSim Group: OSGrid RuthAndRoth
- OpenSim Region: OSGrid RuthAndRoth hop://
The contents of this repo prior to the split have been archived into a branch named 'archive-repo-split'. There are also tags added that mark the last commit that was present when the splits were performed to simplify matching up the old and new repos if required:
- extras-split
- reference-split
- roth-split
- ruth-split
The Ruth 2.0 RC#2 (also known as Ruth2 v2) release files have been archived into a git branch named 'archive-ruth-rc2' and the directories renamed 'Release' in that branch.
The Ruth 2.0 RC#3 (also known as Ruth2 v3) release files have been archived into a git branch named 'archive-ruth-rc3' and the directories renamed 'Release' in that branch.
Ruth2 and Roth2 are AGPL licensed, other contents of this repository are also AGPL licensed unless otherwise indicated. See Licenses.txt for specific details.
The migration of content from this repository to its new home:
- Contrib/Shin Ingen/Roth/Uploads -> Artifacts/Collada
- Artifacts/Collada/osRoth2.0_9k_RC#1.dae -> Artifacts/Collada/ro2_9k_v1.dae
- Artifacts/Collada/osRoth2.0_9k_RC#1_Boxers.dae Artifacts/Collada/ro2_9k_v1_Boxers.dae
- Artifacts/IAR/R2-Roth-RC1.iar -> Artifacts/IAR/Roth2-v1.iar
- Contrib/Shin\ Ingen/Roth/osRoth2.0_9k_RC#1.blend -> Mesh/ro2_9k_v1.blend
- Licenses.txt ->
- Mesh/Avatar Roth -> Mesh
- Mesh/osRoth2_CurrentRelease_DevKit_RC#1.blend -> Mesh/ro2_DevKit_v1.blend
- Mesh/osRoth2_CurrentRelease_Source_RC#1.blend -> Mesh/ro2_Source_v1.blend
- Mesh/Avatar Roth/IARs -> Artifacts/IAR
- Mesh/Avatar Roth/Scripts -> Scripts
- Mesh/Avatar Roth/Textures -> Textures
- Animations -> Accessories/Animations
- Clothing -> Accessories/Clothing
- Contrib/Shin Ingen/Ruth/Uploads -> Artifacts/Collada
- Licenses.txt ->
- Mesh/Avatar Ruth -> Mesh
- Mesh/OSRuth2_CurrentRelease_DevKit_RC3.blend -> Mesh/ru2_DevKit_v3.blend
- Mesh/OSRuth2_CurrentRelease_Source_RC3.blend -> Mesh/ru2_Source_v3.blend
- Mesh/Avatar Ruth/IARs -> Artifacts/IAR
- Artifacts/IAR/R2-Ruth-RC3.iar -> Artifacts/IAR/Ruth2-v3.iar
- Mesh/Avatar Ruth/Scripts -> Scripts
- Mesh/Avatar Ruth/Textures -> Textures
- Mesh/Avatar Ruth/Uploads -> Artifacts/Collada
- Shapes -> Accessories/Shapes
- Skins -> Accessories/Skins
- Contrib/Ada Radius/SecondLifeAvatar -> Linden Lab
- Contrib/Ada Radius/ccccybernetics avatar_databank -> Avatar Databank
- Skins/CMFF Templates -> CMFF Templates
- Skins/Robin Wood Templates -> Robin Wood Templates
- Attachments/ElfEars -> Accessories/ElfEars
- Clothing -> Clothing
- Contrib/Sundance Haiku/Fingernail Project -> HUDs/Fingernail Project
- Contrib/Sundance Haiku/Hand Pose Library & HUD -> HUDs/Hand Pose Lib rary
- LSLScripts/Parts Renamer by Fritigern Gothly -> Scripts/Parts Rename r
- Photos -> Textures
- Skins/Ada Radius-Skin and Eyelash Helpers -> Textures/Skin and Eyela sh Helpers