
Some tips for doing stuff with powershell.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Some tips for doing stuff with powershell.

List available modules

This gives you the modules that are already installed on your PC.

Get-Module -ListAvailable

List loaded session modules


List functions from a module

Get-Command -Module [Module Name]

You can then call the Help command on the names of the functions displayed to read the integrated documentation.

Download stuff

Import-Module BitsTransfer
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $output


Copying a script into multiple subdirectories

The command retrieves the child object of type directory of the current directory and stores these objects in a container. For each of these objects you create a process: You copy the script from the root directory to the destination classified with .FullName of the Directory object.

Get-ChildItem -Directory . | ForEach-Object -Process { copy .\[scriptfile] -Destination $_.FullName }