Stone-Paper-Scissor Game


A simple web-based implementation of the classic game "Stone, Paper, Scissors.", allows users to play against a computer-generated random input. The website is built using Browser Object Model (BOM) features, specifically incorporating alert, prompt, confirm, and HTML manipulation using JavaScript.


Stone Paper Scissor


  • User Interaction: The game involves user interaction through prompts and alerts, allowing the player to make choices during the game.

  • Random Computer Input: The computer generates a random input (stone, paper, or scissors) to play against the user.

  • BOM Learning Application: This project serves as an application of Browser Object Model (BOM) learning. It demonstrates how to interact with the browser and manipulate HTML elements using JavaScript.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: The structure of the website is built using HTML.

  • JavaScript: The game logic and interaction with the BOM features are implemented using JavaScript.

How to Play

  1. Open the index.html file in a web browser.

  2. The game will prompt the user to choose between stone, paper, or scissors.

  3. The computer will generate a random choice as well.

  4. The game will determine the winner based on the classic rules of Stone, Paper, Scissors.

  5. The result will be displayed through an alert, indicating whether the user won, lost, or it's a tie.

  6. Enjoy playing the game and have fun!

Folder Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file containing the structure of the web page.

  • stone_paper_scissor.css: CSS file for styling the web page (optional, if included).

  • stone_paper_scissor.js: JavaScript file containing the game logic and BOM interactions.


  • This project was created as a learning exercise to apply Browser Object Model (BOM) concepts in JavaScript.

Feel free to contribute, report issues, or provide feedback!