
SEDC 2019 Mentorship main hub for information and materials ⭐

SEDC Project Mentorship 🚀

Welcome 👋

Welcome to the SEDC Project Mentorship programme. We are very happy to see so many submitted projects and ideas. This repository will be the main hub for information, announcements and helpful links and resources that you will need through out the course of this period of time.

Goal 🥇

The goal of this programme is for every team to create a product, an application that will show their skills and determination to build stuff and to advance in their field. Students will have full control over the projects and the development process. This means that the final product will be a project completely designed and devoted by the students.

Mentor responsibility 📢

A mentors responsibility will be to guide and assist the students through out the process of design and development of the projects. This can be done through giving students feedback, consult on issues and give directions when the students get stuck or have some dilemma about the project, the code or the idea in general. Every team will have a chance to contact the mentor and ask for a feedback, but since the goal is to build an independent project, this feedback will be limited to:

  • 2 x Technical mentorship feedback for the idea, technology stack or the functional scope of the project
  • 4 x Technical mentorship feedback related to some technical issues
  • 2 x Technical mentorship feedback regarding the finalization of the project

Team responsibility ⚽

The team responsibility will be to plan the course of the development process for their project. A team needs to spend at least 40 to 60 hours on the project. If there are multiple members than this number is multiplied by the number of team members. Every team member needs to have a part in the project and need to present their work when the presentation day comes

Communication 📝

The communication is best done through e-mail since it is easier to track and organize all feedback and questions.


There are 3 meetings planned. On these meetings we will:

  • Meeting no.1 [06.04.2019] - Talk and refine the ideas of the projects, how to start building them and how to organize in a team
  • Meeting no.2 [11.05.2019] - Check the progress of the projects, talk about the development process and discuss about problems and clogging issues
  • Meeting no.3 [17.06.2019] - Talk and help students with finalization of the projects, discussion about soft skills ( how to make a presentation of a project )

Contact e-mail: gdragan6@gmail.com

Due Date: 30th June 2019

Presentation Date: 11th July 2019

🌴 Extra information and Materials 🌴