Dual Universe Ore Node Finder Script, This script finds ore node location with just 4 points using the True-range multilateration Algorithm.
You can see the full instalation and use tutorial video here:
Dual Universe - EZ Scanner Script - Installation and Use Tutorial Video
- Simple Main Panel for easy unclutterd UI
- Help Panel for ingame help on how to use script
- Finds the node location with just 4 points
- Easily add and delete points without restarting script
- Slider Panel for a faster data entry (experimental)
- Script easy pause and exit shortcuts
- Set parameters to have a more streamline workflow
- Auto pause mode Paused Panel after finding node location, to reduce GPU/CPU usage.
- Auto Exit and Auto Pause Timers
- Auto Scan after 4th Point
- Sets the Result as Destination Automatically
- Dynamic core
- Programing board
- Installed Script
- COPY du_ez_scanner.json in this repository to your clipboard
- PASTE the code ingame in your Programing Board-
- Make sure you that your scaning node is in range of the Programing Board
- Be mindfull of your CPU / GPU usange, it is very intensive in computational resorces. If you see any problems with it when starting it press ALT+9 to STOP the Script
On your desired scan location and with the programing board in range with the EZ Scanner Script running, do:
- Open your ore node scanner and filter to just show the desired node type to scan
- Scroll Mouse Wheel to match the distance of the node ping. Add point with Alt+3 and Remove with Alt+5.
- Space your points at least 50 mts from each other, and never more than 2 points with the same altitude
- When you have the 4 points, use Alt+4 to find node location
- Set Destination with Link provided in the lua chat panel on your chat interface
- Resume Paussed Script with Alt+8 if you want to take an other mesurement.
- Exit Script (Alt+9)
- Always take points with more than 50 meters apart from each other and never more than 2 with the same elevation
- Only Alioth Coords Tested ATM, i havent test it yet on other planets
- After the node search the scrip will pause, resume if needed
- All points will be flused after search
- Keep the script paused to save GPU/CPU
- Change Script parameters for panels to be on/off at the start of the script
- The mouse scroll wheel has a aceleration multiplier, move it arround a bit to get the feeling of it
Alt+1 : Help
Alt+2 : n/a
Alt+3 : Add Point
Alt+4 : Find Node
Alt+5 : Delete Point
Alt+6 : n/a
Alt+7 : Tougle Slider On/Off
Alt+8 : Pause | Resume Script
Alt+9 : Exit App
- 1.03 | 2020.01.04 | Current Stable Version
- Juvenius Drakonius (Discord: Juvenius#2318), I'm learning to code and english is not my first languange...so be gentle.
- Thank you to d6rks1lv3rz3r0 for his script that helpme finished my own take on the problem. Check out his code DU-Prospector
- Yamamushi for just been an amazing help in building amazing code.
- To the Rekium DU [du.rekium.org] guys for pushing me to finish this code that i've been working for weeks to finish
- Parameter: Auto-Scan on 4th point
- Parameter: Auto-pause after finding coordinate link
- Feature: Auto-pause after x time without movement
- Feature: Multiplanet functionality
- Feature: Show when a point is NOT 50 meters from an others, and if more than 2 points have the same elevation
- Better UI: Point map, screenshots ingame of help menu
- Less character in script
- Better performance script
[2] https://www.101computing.net/cell-phone-trilateration-algorithm/
[3] http://archive.cone.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/vorlesung/wsn-s16/slides/WSN-C-23.pdf