UW Bootcamp week 3 homework
This app features a timed quiz. The user is presented with a series of Monty Python themed questions and a limited time to complete it.
- The questions are taken from an array variable in the script file.
- The user is given (10 * number of questions) seconds to complete the quiz.
- Questions are displayed to the user one at a time.
- A digital timer and a circular indicator for the % time they have remaining are also displayed.
- Circular time indicator fades from green to red.
- When the user selects a correct answer, the timer flashes green.
- When the user selects an incorrect answer, the timer flashes red.
- The user has 10 seconds deducted from their time remaining each time they answer incorrectly.
- At 0 seconds left, or when the quiz is complete, the user receives a score equal to their remaining time.
- The top 10 results are stored in localStorage.
- After each round, the user is shown the high score list in order of scores.
- User's score is highlighted if they made it on the list.
- Retry button.
contact me at mitchellanthonyd@gmail.com
As you proceed in your journey to becoming a full-stack web developer, it’s likely that you’ll be asked to complete a coding assessment, perhaps as part of an interview process. A typical coding assessment is a combination of multiple-choice questions and interactive coding challenges.
To help you become familiar with these tests and give you a chance to apply the skills from this module, this week’s homework invites you to build a timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions. This app will run in the browser, and will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code that you write. It will have a clean, polished, and responsive user interface. This week’s coursework will teach you all the skills you need to succeed in this assignment.
AS A coding boot camp student
I WANT to take a timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals that stores high scores
SO THAT I can gauge my progress compared to my peers
GIVEN I am taking a code quiz
WHEN I click the start button
THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question
WHEN I answer a question
THEN I am presented with another question
WHEN I answer a question incorrectly
THEN time is subtracted from the clock
WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0
THEN the game is over
WHEN the game is over
THEN I can save my initials and score
The following animation demonstrates the application functionality:
This homework is graded based on the following criteria:
- Satisfies all of the above acceptance criteria.
Application deployed at live URL.
Application loads with no errors.
Application GitHub URL submitted.
GitHub repository that contains application code.
Application user experience is intuitive and easy to navigate.
Application user interface style is clean and polished.
Application resembles the mock-up functionality provided in the homework instructions.
Repository has a unique name.
Repository follows best practices for file structure and naming conventions.
Repository follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.
Repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.
Repository contains quality README file with description, screenshot, and link to deployed application.
You are required to submit BOTH of the following for review:
The URL of the functional, deployed application.
The URL of the GitHub repository. Give the repository a unique name and include a README describing the project.
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