Example Project for a Dockerized Django REST, Gunicorn and Nginx in Development
This is a small contribution for the community in order to facilitate the development of applications.
This is an example of a project that uses the following technologies:
- Django REST APIs
- Docker with Docker Compose
System Requirements
Setup Local Environment
First things, first. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/RobertArzolaC/base_django.git
To setup a Dockerized development environment
In my opinion, this is the easiest way to get up and running.
1. Create
2. Build docker container
make docker-build-dev
make docker-up-dev
Visit http://localhost/admin. You should see admin django ;)
Languages used
Tools used
- Nginx
- Gunicorn
- Docker 1.12.1
- Django 2.1.7
- PostgreSQL 9.6.0
- Docker compose 1.8.0
- Django REST Framework 3.9.1
Helpful resources
- Django Development with Docker Compose and Machine
- Dockerizing Django projects
- Extension of Owais Lane's blog post
- YouTube Playlist on Django Rest Framework
- JSON Web Tokens With Django REST Framework
- Full Stack Python
- Write your first Django App
- Quick Django tutorial
- Django REST framework
- Robert Arzola Castillo - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.