Allows users to create a custom workout plan from a list of targeted training sets. Users create a profile and are able to save workouts, share their workouts, and connect their music player to get motivated.
- Category: Fitness
- Mobile: Mobile provides a foundation for the features and use case of planning workouts. We will be able to connect to Apple Music, Facebook for sharing, and push notifications.
- Story: Allows instant creation of a daily workout plan from a curated list of workout types. Takes the guessing out of what workouts to do.
- Market: Anyone with access to gym equipment or free space for bodyweight can use this app. Subscription service for more curated workouts can be used for monetization.
- Habit: Users create and view their workouts mutliple times a week, and even everyday.
- Scope: Users will be able to view workouts targeting a specific body area, select specific workouts for that day, and select reps or time in terms of sets
Required Must-have Stories
- Users can log in/register
- Users pick from a category of workouts (chest, lower, full, etc) for the day
- users view from that list of workouts
- users can save workouts they like
- users can choose between reps or time in terms of sets
- Users can view their profile
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Users can view a library of personal music or podcasts
- Users share workouts with friends
- users can view analytics about their growth
- Login/Register
- Users can log in/register
- Stream
- Users pick from a category of workouts (chest, lower, full, etc) for the day
- Detail
- users view from that list of workouts
- users can choose between reps or time in terms of sets
- users can save workouts they like (button)
- users can share workout on facebook
- Profile
- Users can view their profile
- Users can change name
- Users can change email
- Users can view analytics from past workout history
- Users can also store body measurements (weight, etc.)
- Settings
- Users can enable/disable notifications
- Media Player
- Users can play/pause/skip music
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Stream
- Profile
- Settings
- Media Player
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Login/Register
- Stream
- Stream
- Detail view
- Detail
- Profile
- Settings