Agora.io samples for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.MacOS and Xamarin.Forms
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Cannot start a second video call after ending one without closing the app first.
#32 opened by cy-nide - 6
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int io.agora.rtc.RtcEngine.setVideoSource(io.agora.rtc.mediaio.IVideoSource)
#31 opened by softsan - 1
- 5
- 2
Overlapping video views doesn't work
#29 opened by tendaimaswaya - 0
Unable instantiate the AgoraRtcEngineKit in Xamarin.iOS (Project: FormsAndSample) - Getting null value with AgoraRtcEngineKit.SharedEngineWithAppIdAndDelegate
#28 opened by amittapelly11 - 0
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Agora Xamarin Forms
#25 opened by Ankitvaghasiya44 - 9
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video group
#12 opened by PeraDev7 - 1
On iPhone is not working
#11 opened by almirtavares - 4
iOS RemoteView problem.
#13 opened by felipecds - 1
Xamarin nuget package for latest Agroa
#14 opened by softsan - 1
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how make call with proxy
#8 opened by flutterpro - 1
Xamarin.Forms.iOS - LookupChannelTimeout
#10 opened by majdaneq - 1
is this free to use?
#7 opened by FredericoMonteiro