Bernerdev CodeJam


Topic and task

Create a secured web application with a login, registration and at least one protected page.

  • store password and user data
  • passwords should not get stored in plaintext
  • no ajax, no rest
  • if a user fails three times giving in a password, his ip should get blocked (be aware of reverse proxies)


  1. Juli 2021, 24:00 CEST


  • only native language libraries are allowed, no third party libs
  • using external services is not allowed
  • downloading libraries and/or code is not allowed, the code must be self written
  • source code must get uploaded into a public repo until deadline


You can view a running demo at

With docker:

docker build -t codejam:1 .
docker run -p 8080:8080 codejam:1

With deno:

deno --unstable run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write src/main.ts


This project is done for fun only, not thougth to be performant, efficient or anything else. It is not production ready.


Thanks to for Bernerdev to organizing and managing this coding jam. If you want to take part in or have propositions for future jams, join our discord: