Perfect Documentation Library 简体中文
This library contains all the reference documentation and API reference-related material you need to run and use Perfect.
We have transitioned to using JIRA for dealing with all pull requests, bugs, and any other support-related issues. Therefore, the GitHub "issues" tab has been disabled.
If you find a bug, or have a helpful suggestion to improve this documentation, please raise it.
Before you do, please view a comprehensive list of all open issues.
We welcome all contributions to and recommendations for improving the Perfect documentation. We welcome contributions to Perfect’s documentation. If you spot a typo, bug, or other errata, or have additions or suggestions to recommend, please create a pull request or log an issue in JIRA.
We have a system, written with Perfect, that picks up markdown files dynamically from this repository and incorporates them in an HTML docs site. This system will go live shortly.
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Getting Started From Scratch
- An HTTP and Web Services Primer
- Repository Layout
- Building with Swift Package Manager
- Configuring and Launching HTTPServer
- Handling Requests
- WebSockets
- Utilities
- Database Connectors
- iOS Notifications @kjessup
- Deployment
- Ubuntu 15.10
- Docker
- Heroku
- Azure
- Linode
- Digital Ocean
- Platform specific Notes
StORM is not distributed as a project; however, the Perfect libraries are integral to its operation, and some authors are common.
- StORM, a Swift ORM
- Introduction to StORM
- Setting up a class
- Saving, Retrieving and Deleting Rows
- StORMCursor
- Inserting rows
- Updating rows
- Database Specific Implementations
Turnstile is an Open Source project from Stormpath focussing on standardizing authentication across platforms and frameworks. Thanks to work done by Edward Jiang on Turnstile and a foundation linking Turnstile with Perfect, an authentication layer is available for Perfect.