A Select is an input widget with an associated dropdown that allows users to select a value from a list of possible values.
Two types of select component: default
(searchable=false), and searchable
internally usesdw-list-item
to render items. use overide propertyrenderItem
to override items.
npm install @dreamworld/dw-select
Example usage
<dw-select outlined items=${this.items} label="outlined"></dw-select>
<dw-select outlined items=${this.items} label="outlined" searchable></dw-select>
- Renders
- Triggers internal validation on blur & select.
- Focus:
- For searchable types, it shows a cursor. For non searchable type, doesn’t show cursor.
- The dropdown opens when the user clicks the field using a pointing device.
- Clear Selection:
- Searchable: remove all input text and it will clear the selection and dispatch a
event - Non-Searchable: there is no way to clear the selection for non-searchable. If required, the integrator should provide an empty item for clear selection.
- Searchable: remove all input text and it will clear the selection and dispatch a
Extension Method
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name |
string |
"" |
Sets the name attribute on the internal input. The name property should only be used for browser autofill as webcomponent form participation does not currently consider the name attribute. |
value |
object|object[] |
null |
Selected list item object. object in case of single selection; object[] in case of multiple selections. |
originalValue |
object |
null |
Input property. Note: When originalValue is specified (not undefined ) & its value is different than this; then highlight is shown. (Comparison is done by reference) |
outlined |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to show the outlined variant. |
label |
string |
"" |
Sets floating label value. Note: The label will not float if the selected item has a false value property. |
placeholder |
string |
"" |
Sets disappearing input placeholder. |
helper |
string |
"" |
Helper text to display below the input. Display default only when focused. |
readOnly |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to show the readOnly state. |
required |
boolean |
false |
Displays error state if value is empty and input is blurred. |
errorMessage |
string |
undefined |
Message to show in the error color when the textfield is invalid. |
requiredMessage |
string |
undefined |
Message to show in the error color when the required , and _requiredErrorVisible are true. |
_requiredErrorVisible |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to show the required error message. |
validity |
ValidityState (readonly) |
{} |
The ValidityState of the textfield. |
autoValidate |
boolean |
false |
Reports validity on value change rather than only on blur. |
disabled |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to show the disabled variant. |
searchable |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to show the searchable variant. |
vkb |
boolean |
false |
vkb stands for Virtual KeyBoard. Whether the Device has Virtual KeyBoard. |
groups |
Group[] |
null |
List of groups. |
groupSelector |
fn() |
returns GroupName. Group selector provides a path of groupName in Items | |
groupExpression |
string |
"" |
items |
object[] |
undefined |
List of selectable items. |
valueProvider |
function |
undefined |
Provides Value |
valueExpression |
string |
undefined |
valueTextProvider |
function |
undefined |
returns String. Provides value that represents in list item |
dialogWidth |
number |
undefined |
By default, the pop-over dialog is rendered in the width of the host element; And the fit dialog is rendered in a fixed-width specified by –dw-select-fit-dialog-width css property. But: when this is specified, both dialogs are shown in this width. Note: BottomSheet dialog is always in full width, so this doesn’t affect it. |
renderItem |
HTMLTemplate |
undefined |
Provides any Block element to represent list items. Should show its hover effect, and ripple on click. Highlight text based on query . Integrator listens to the ‘click’ event to know whether the selection is changed or not. Note: It must not be focusable. |
renderGroupItem |
HTMLTemplate |
undefined |
Provides any Block elements to represent group items. name property should be set to input name. Should show hover & ripple effects only if it’s collapsible. Integrator listens on ‘click’ event to toggle collapsed status. |
valueEquator |
Function |
(v1, v2) => v1 === v2 |
Set this to configure custom logic to detect whether value is changed or not. |
heading |
String |
"" |
Set it if you would like to show a heading on the bottom-sheet dialog. By default no heading. |
showClose |
boolean |
false |
Shows an icon-button with a close icon, in the top-right corner on the bottom-sheet dailog. |
selectedTrailingIcon |
string |
undefined |
Name of trailing Icon which availble in selected item. |
searchPlaceholder |
string |
"" |
Placeholder for fit dialog's search input |
helperTextProvider |
fn() |
Helper text provider. parameters: selected item. If this is provided show helper text using this function otherwise get from the helper property. |
queryFilter |
function |
[] |
A function to customize search. function has two parameters. 1. item, 2. query. Note: returns always boolean |
messages |
Messages |
Messages |
Messages of for No Records found, No Matching found, and loading state. It's showing in the dialog. Provide only the message key and value that you want to update. Select will handle it and update the message object. |
errorInTooltip |
boolean |
false |
Show error meesage in error trailling icon hover tooltip. |
allowNewValue |
boolean |
false |
Whether new value is allowed or not. Can be used only when select is searchable |
newValueProvider |
function |
(query) => query | Value provider function. Used when allowNewValue is available, and query does not match with any options. Default it returns searched query . Note: Return value could be any except function. Including Promise . |
Key | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Name of the group. |
title |
string |
Titile of the group. |
collapsible |
boolean |
Whether group is collapsible or not. |
collapsed |
boolean |
Whether group is collapsed or not. |
icon |
string |
name of Material icon. It's optional property. |
name: "BANKS",
titile: "Banks",
collapsible: true,
collapsed: false
ValueProvider and ValueExpression
- Provides a value based on the input received from either the
function or thevalueExpression
. - If neither of these inputs are provided, the original item will be passed as the default value.
- If only one of these inputs is provided, the value will be computed based on that input.
- If both inputs are provided, the value will be computed from the
, and thevalueProvider
function will be ignored.
key | Type | Default | Description |
noRecords |
string |
No Records |
Show meesage on dialog when no records found. |
noMatching |
string |
No matching records found! |
Show when query does not match with any item. |
loading |
string |
Loading... |
Show when items is undefined . |
Utils Functions
Name | Arguments | Retuens | Description |
queryFilterGenerator |
keys (string[]) | Function |
Query function Generator |
Event Name | Target | Detail | Description |
selected |
dw-list-item |
Fired when the user changed selection. It’s dispatched even when the user selects the same value as the current. | |
invalid |
dw-select |
validity | Fired when checkValidity() call and value is does not pass validation, On blur, as checkValidity() is called internally. |
valid |
dw-select |
validity | Fired when checkValidity() call and value pass validation, On blur, as checkValidity() is called internally. |
clear-selection |
dw-select |
It is fired when the user explicitly clears the selection by removing all input text. |
Name | Description |
checkValidity() => boolean |
Returns true if the textfield passes validity checks and fires an valid . Returns false and fires an invalid event on the textfield otherwise. |
CSS Custom Properties
Name | Default | Description |
--dw-select-updated-highlight-bg-color |
rgba(2, 175, 205, 0.04) |
Background Color of the trigger element when value is Updated |
--dw-select-item-selected-bg-color |
#6200ee |
Background color of the selected item |