
Project Euler certification Free Code Camp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Euler

link Complete the programming challenges below, from the massive Project Euler archives. These will harden your algorithm and mathematics knowledge.

These problems range in difficulty and, for many, the experience is inductive chain learning. That is, by solving one problem, it will expose you to a new concept that allows you to undertake a previously inaccessible problem. Can you finish them all?


Project Euler Problems 1 to 100 In this first set of challenges, you will use mathematical concepts like the Fibonacci sequence, prime number theory, and combinatorics to write efficient algorithms to solve these problems.

1 - 100
Problem - link done link solution
Problem 1: Multiples of 3 and 5 link solution
Problem 2: Even Fibonacci Numbers link solution
Problem 3: Largest prime factor link solution

|Problem 4: Largest palindrome product|| |Problem 5: Smallest multiple|| |Problem 6: Sum square difference|| |Problem 7: 10001st prime|| |Problem 8: Largest product in a series|| |Problem 9: Special Pythagorean triplet|| |Problem 10: Summation of primes|| |Problem 11: Largest product in a grid|| |Problem 12: Highly divisible triangular number|| |Problem 13: Large sum|| |Problem 14: Longest Collatz sequence|| |Problem 15: Lattice paths|| |Problem 16: Power digit sum|| |Problem 17: Number letter counts|| |Problem 18: Maximum path sum I|| |Problem 19: Counting Sundays|| |Problem 20: Factorial digit sum|| |Problem 21: Amicable numbers|| |Problem 22: Names scores|| |Problem 23: Non-abundant sums|| |Problem 24: Lexicographic permutations|| |Problem 25: 1000-digit Fibonacci number|| |Problem 26: Reciprocal cycles|| |Problem 27: Quadratic primes|| |Problem 28: Number spiral diagonals|| |Problem 29: Distinct powers|| |Problem 30: Digit n powers|| |Problem 31: Coin sums|| |Problem 32: Pandigital products|| |Problem 33: Digit cancelling fractions|| |Problem 34: Digit factorials|| |Problem 35: Circular primes|| |Problem 36: Double-base palindromes|| |Problem 37: Truncatable primes|| |Problem 38: Pandigital multiples|| |Problem 39: Integer right triangles|| |Problem 40: Champernowne's constant|| |Problem 41: Pandigital prime|| |Problem 42: Coded triangle numbers|| |Problem 43: Sub-string divisibility|| |Problem 44: Pentagon numbers|| |Problem 45: Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal|| |Problem 46: Goldbach's other conjecture|| |Problem 47: Distinct primes factors|| |Problem 48: Self powers|| |Problem 49: Prime permutations|| |Problem 50: Consecutive prime sum|| |Problem 51: Prime digit replacements|| |Problem 52: Permuted multiples|| |Problem 53: Combinatoric selections|| |Problem 54: Poker hands|| |Problem 55: Lychrel numbers|| |Problem 56: Powerful digit sum|| |Problem 57: Square root convergents|| |Problem 58: Spiral primes|| |Problem 59: XOR decryption|| |Problem 60: Prime pair sets|| |Problem 61: Cyclical figurate numbers|| |Problem 62: Cubic permutations|| |Problem 63: Powerful digit counts|| |Problem 64: Odd period square roots|| |Problem 65: Convergents of e|| |Problem 66: Diophantine equation|| |Problem 67: Maximum path sum II|| |Problem 68: Magic 5-gon ring|| |Problem 69: Totient maximum|| |Problem 70: Totient permutation|| |Problem 71: Ordered fractions|| |Problem 72: Counting fractions|| |Problem 73: Counting fractions in a range|| |Problem 74: Digit factorial chains|| |Problem 75: Singular integer right triangles|| |Problem 76: Counting summations|| |Problem 77: Prime summations|| |Problem 78: Coin partitions|| |Problem 79: Passcode derivation|| |Problem 80: Square root digital expansion|| |Problem 81: Path sum: two ways|| |Problem 82: Path sum: three ways|| |Problem 83: Path sum: four ways|| |Problem 84: Monopoly odds|| |Problem 85: Counting rectangles|| |Problem 86: Cuboid route|| |Problem 87: Prime power triples|| |Problem 88: Product-sum numbers|| |Problem 89: Roman numerals|| |Problem 90: Cube digit pairs|| |Problem 91: Right triangles with integer coordinates|| |Problem 92: Square digit chains|| |Problem 93: Arithmetic expressions|| |Problem 94: Almost equilateral triangles|| |Problem 95: Amicable chains|| |Problem 96: Su Doku|| |Problem 97: Large non-Mersenne prime|| |Problem 98: Anagramic squares|| |Problem 99: Largest exponential|| |Problem 100: Arranged probability||