
Minimalistic tamplates for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


What this is:

  • most minimalistic approach to templates in PHP. It really is just a wrapper for finding a template file and performing a mass str_replace.

What this is not:

  • a template engine to use project-wide in a website that has complex user interaction. This is just for quickly rendering text/html or other documents with variables.

Example usage:


	<p>Today was a {myday} day.</p>


include 'class.tpl.php';

$main = new tpl('test');
$main->add('title', 'Page Title');
$main->add('extra', '<script src="jquery.js"></script>');

if (isset($_GET['myday']))
	$main->add('myday', htmlspecialchars($_GET['myday']));
	$main->add('myday', 'mysterious');

echo $main->build();

Or the same, using chaining and an array argument

include 'class.tpl.php';

echo tpl('test')->add(array(
	'title' => 'Page Title',
	'extra' => '<script src="jquery.js"></script>',
	'myday' => (isset($_GET['myday'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['myday']) : 'mysterious'