This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

This is a React web application that allows users to sign up, retrieve their profile info, generate payment ID, delete payment ID, make a transfer, and retrieve their transaction history. It utilizes the And Design system, Tailwind CSS for styling, and Axios for making HTTP requests.



  • To sign up, click on the "Sign Up" button and fill out the registration form. Once you submit the form, your account will be created.

  • After signing up, you will be navigated to the profile screen where the profile data will be available

  • To generate a payment ID, click on the "Generate Payment ID" button on the profile page.

  • To delete a payment ID, click on the "delete Payment ID" button on the profile page.

  • To make a transfer, click on the "Transfer funds" button and enter the necessary details in the pop up modal. Once you submit the form, the transfer will be made.

  • A table that shows incoming and outgoing transaction is populated under the profile card



If you have any questions about this project or want to get in touch with the developers, please email us at