
A misc project of python based function to track, survey and manage files from mutiple systems

Primary LanguagePython


Miscellaneous files for various file operations

Getting Started

set up the configuration files for each file...

  • init.py

    • sets up the default logging for the module
  • visio_scan.py

    • uses
      • logging_config.ini
      • visio_setting.json
    • produces
      • visio_data.pickle
    • imports
      • from getFiles import scanFiles, get_info, get_pickle_data, save_pickle_data, make_hash
      • import sys
      • import win32com.client
      • import os
      • import json
      • from datetime import datetime
      • from dateutil.parser import parse
      • import logging
      • from logging.config import fileConfig
    • gotchas
      • will ponly run on machine able to run win32com


setting up *setting.json files


    "folders": [
        "~", <<folder names>>, <<...>>
    "filter": "<<file extension include the period>>"

for logging.ini template see https://docs.python-guide.org/writing/logging/

Pickle file object

  • structure of the viso_data.pickle file
	"folders": ["<<str>>","<<...>>"],
	"filter": ".<<file ext>>",
	"hashes": {
		"<<file sha1 hash>>": ["<<normalized file path>>","<<...>>"]
	"archive": [{<<file obj>>},{...}],
	"files": [{<<file obj>>},{...}]

File Object

	"name": "<<name of the file>>",
	"title": "<<doc info title>>",
	"description": "<<doc info description>>",
	"keywords": "<<doc info keywords>>",
	"subject": "<<doc info subject>>",
	"manager": "<<doc info manager>>",
	"category": "<<doc info category of the file>>",
	"pagecount": "<<the number of pages in the file>>",
	"creator": "<<the name of the creator of the file>>",
	"created": "<<the date the file was created>>",
	"saved": "<<the save date of the file>>",
	"pages": [{<<page object>>}],
	"folder": "<<the folder the file is stored in>>",
	"file": "<<the file name>>",
	"modified": "<<OS date tge file was last modified>>",
	"accessed": "<<OS date the file was last accessed>>",
	"size": "<<fiel size in bytes>>",
	"hash": {
		"SHA1": "<<sha1 hash of the file>>",
		"MD5": "<<md5 hash of the file>>"

Page object

	"name":	"<<the name of the page>>", 
	"shape_count":	<<the number of shapes on the page>>,
	"objects": {
		"<<shape type>>":{
			<<shape name>>: {<<shape object>>}

Shape object

	"id": <<shape id>>,
	"name": "<<name>>",
	"type": <<type constant>>,
	"text": "<<body>>",
	"name_type": "<<name prefix>>",
	"subid": "<<name suffix>>",
	"callouts": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>],
	"connected_shapes": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>],
	"connects": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>],
	"containing_shape": <<shape id>>,
	"contained_shapes": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>]