
A CS:GO bunny-hop cheat written in C++, obfuscated with python, and compiled with msbuild.

Primary LanguagePython


A CS:GO bunny-hop cheat obfuscated with python and compiled with msbuild.



How to compile

python3 compile_cheats.py -D C:\Users\DrewQ\source\repos\csgo-hops\
   /IMPLIB:"C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\csgo-hops-main\Release\csgo-hops.lib" /MACHINE:X86 /SAFESEH /DLL Release\cheat.obj
  Generating code
  16 of 123 functions (13.0%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation.
    10 functions were new in current compilation
    1 functions had inline decision re-evaluated but remain unchanged
  Finished generating code
  csgo-hops.vcxproj -> C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\csgo-hops-main\Release\csgo-hops.dll
  Deleting file "Release\csgo-hops.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
  Touching "Release\csgo-hops.tlog\csgo-hops.lastbuildstate".
Done Building Project "C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\csgo-hops-main\csgo-hops\csgo-hops.vcxproj" (default targets).

Done Building Project "C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\csgo-hops-main\csgo-hops.sln" (build target(s)).

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:03.89
[*] SHA1: d680917df2449546b04cb15e96d2e3a9266c6d77 | C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\csgo-hops-main\Release\csgo-hops.dll
[*] Was compiled @ Sun Dec  4 14:57:38 2022

How to inject

Use the "manual map" setting when injecting the DLL

How to stop

Press end to stop the cheat


Obfuscating the variables names with random strings allows a unique file hash on every compile. Making it harder for VAC to spot.

Where to update signatures

If the cheat is crashing please try updating the signatures in _cheat.cpp.

ptrdiff_t dwForceJump = 0x52B9C0C;
ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayer = 0xDE8964;
ptrdiff_t m_fFlags = 0x104;