
My version of the board game, Mancala. Two player. You against the computer or against another player, locally.

Millennial Mancala

A Lot A' Mancala

  • My twist on a verson (there are multiple, as Mancala is one of the oldest games still widely played today) of the board game, Mancala


  1. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery (7 days to completion)
  2. You against another player OR you against the computer. (3 days to completion)
  3. Take turns picking a number from your player side and shifting to the right, adding/leaving one in each adjacent pot (including your big pot). (4 days to completion)
  4. If your number is high enough to go around to your oponent's mini-pots, do so. (5 days to completion)
  5. If your last laid/added number is in an empty pot across from an opponets filled mini pot, you capture their mini pot and yours (add the total from the two pots) and add that total to your big pot!
  6. When/if one player has no more filled mini-pots, the other player will have the total from all of their remaining mini pots added to their big pot! (6 days to completion)
  7. When all mini pots are empty, the player with the highest number in their big pot wins! (7 days to completion)

** I'm currently utilizing a grid for the board that will have responsive buttons for the players to click on. The amount each player has in their pots will be traked using math +=, ++ and -=, -- principles. Hopeful for a board image overlay to give the app more style an possibly 48 piece assets to correspond with the numerical gain and loss properties of the game

** Currently no installation requirements

** No problems at the end of the project. The game works as intended for Player vs. Player and Player vs. Computer. There's only (and always) more innovation possible; as that is the joy of the science of programming.

Mancala Game Image Image credit - adrcrafts.com

Millennial Mancala