
Primary LanguageJava

Blog Application Setup Guide

1. Project Scaffolding

  • Spring Initializr - Spring Initializr
    • Gradle - Groovy: Package name = peep.pea.blog
    • Java: Version 21, Packaging = jar
    • Spring Boot: Version 3.3.0

2. Dependencies for Spring Initializr

Ensure to include the following dependencies when setting up your project via Spring Initializr:

  • Spring Web: For building web applications.
  • Spring Data JPA: For database integration using Java Persistence API.
  • Spring Security: For authentication and authorization.
  • PostgreSQL Driver: To connect to PostgreSQL database.
  • H2 Database: For in-memory database during development and testing.
  • Lombok: To reduce boilerplate code like getters, setters.

3. Domain Model

  • Entities: Define Java classes that map to database tables. Typical entities include Post, Comment, and User.
  • Repositories: Utilize Spring Data JPA to automatically implement interfaces for database interactions.

4. Business Logic

  • Services: Encapsulate business logic related to posts and comments within service classes. These handle transactions and ensure adherence to business rules.
  • DTOs: Define Data Transfer Objects to safely transfer data between the API layer and the client, safeguarding sensitive information.

5. API Layer

  • REST Controllers: Manage HTTP requests and responses, interfacing with service classes to process business logic.
  • Exception Handling: Employ @ControllerAdvice to globally manage exceptions and provide cleaner error responses.

6. Security Configuration

  • JWT for Authentication: Configure Spring Security to utilize JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for stateless authentication.
  • Authorization: Implement role-based access control to manage user access to resources based on their roles.

About Database Usage

  • JPA (Java Persistence API): Manages data interaction between Java objects and relational databases, with Spring Data JPA providing an abstraction layer that simplifies data manipulation.
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): The underlying technology for database interactions, managed by JPA implementations like Hibernate.
  • H2 Database: Used for testing purposes due to its in-memory capabilities.
  • PostgreSQL Driver: Connects your application to the PostgreSQL database.
  • Lombok: Simplifies Java code by automatically generating getters, setters, and other common code.



The user package in the application manages user information, including registration, profile updates, and authentication.


  • User.java: Represents the user entity with fields such as:

    1. username
    2. password
    3. email
    4. role
    5. last online timestamp
    6. profile picture URL This record supports the straightforward transfer of data within the application.
  • UserController.java: The UserController handles CRUD operations on users. It includes methods for:

    1. Retrieving a single user by ID.
    2. Creating a new user.
    3. Listing all users with pagination. The controller uses Pageable and UriComponentsBuilder, which are best practices for RESTful APIs.
  • UserService.java: The UserService manages the business logic associated with user operations. It provides methods to:

    1. Create a user.
    2. Retrieve a user by ID.
    3. Update user details.
    4. Delete a user.
    5. Fetch all users with pagination. This service ensures that operations like updating user details respect the immutability of the user record by creating a new record.
  • UserRepository.java: Extends both CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository, providing comprehensive CRUD operations and pagination capabilities. It includes methods to:

    1. Find users by ID and username.
    2. Save and delete users.
    3. Check for the existence of a username. This repository is integral to the data handling layer, directly interacting with the database.