Blog Platform


This Blog Platform is a robust application built on Spring Boot, designed to offer comprehensive blogging functionalities. It leverages Java 21 and Spring Boot 3 to demonstrate modern Java development practices along with a RESTful API design, providing a reliable and scalable solution for content management.


  • CRUD Operations: Users can create, read, update, and delete blog posts using a clean and intuitive interface.
  • Data Persistence: Utilizes MySQL for reliable data storage, ensuring data integrity and support for transactions.
  • RESTful API: Includes well-defined endpoints for managing blog posts and user interactions.
  • User Authentication: Implements basic authentication to secure user accounts and sessions.
  • Responsive Design: Supports a responsive frontend design, adaptable to various devices and screens.


  • Spring Boot 3: Uses the latest Spring Boot framework for building standalone and production-grade applications.
  • Java 21: Leverages the latest Java features and security enhancements.
  • MySQL: Employs MySQL as a robust database management system for storing blog posts and user data.
  • Maven: Utilizes Maven for efficient project dependency management and build processes.

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/posts Retrieves all blog posts.
GET /api/posts/{id} Retrieves a blog post by ID.
POST /api/posts Creates a new blog post.
PUT /api/posts/{id} Updates an existing blog post.
DELETE /api/posts/{id} Deletes a blog post.

Project Structure

Main Files

  • Entry point of the Spring Boot application, annotated with @SpringBootApplication.

Service Files

  • Manages user authentication processes.

    • Authenticate User: Validates usernames and passwords.
    • Load UserDetails: Retrieves UserDetails for authentication.
  • Custom user details service that integrates with Spring Security.

    • Load User Details: Provides user details with authorities for security context.
  • Business logic for managing blog posts.

    • Manage Posts: Includes creating, updating, and deleting blog posts.
    • Retrieve Posts: Fetch posts with specific criteria.
  • Manages user-related functionalities like registration and updates.

    • Register User: Handles new user registrations.
    • Update User Profile: Updates information for existing users.
    • Validation: Ensures username and email uniqueness.

Repository Files

  • JPA repository for managing blog posts, offering advanced query capabilities.

    • Find by Title: findByTitleContainingIgnoreCase(String title)
    • Find by Content: Custom query to find posts with content containing a specified keyword.
    • List All Posts by Creation Date: Custom query to list all posts ordered by the date they were created.
  • Extends JpaRepository for user management, providing essential methods for authentication and user searches.

    • Check Existence by Username/Email: existsByUsername(String username), existsByEmail(String email)
    • Find by Username/Email: findByUsername(String username), findByEmail(String email)
    • Custom User Queries: Custom queries to fetch users by username or email.

Model Files

  • Defines security roles for users.

    • Role Name: Identifies the security role or authority.
  • Entity model representing a blog post.

    • ID: Auto-generated unique identifier.
    • Title: Title of the post.
    • Content: Content body of the post.
    • Created At: Timestamp of when the post was made.
    • Author ID: Reference to the user who created the post.
  • Entity model for managing users.

    • ID: Auto-generated unique identifier.
    • Username: Unique username for the user.
    • Email: Email address used for user identification and communications.
    • Password: Encrypted password for securing user login.
    • Authorities: Roles or permissions assigned to the user.

Controller Files

  • Manages views related to blog interactions.

    • Show Blog Form: GET /blog
    • Blog Home Page: GET /blogHome
  • Serves the main entry page of the application.

    • Home Page: GET /home
  • Handles the display of the login page.

    • Login Form: GET /login
  • Controls the management of blog posts, including listing, viewing, adding, and removing posts.

    • List All Posts: Provides an interface to fetch all posts.
    • Retrieve a Post: Allows fetching a specific post by ID.
    • Create a New Post: Handles the creation of new posts.
    • Delete a Post: Facilitates the deletion of existing posts.
  • Oversees user registration, providing both the interface and the functionality for new users to register.

    • Show Registration Form: GET /register
    • Register User: POST /register
    • Registration Success/Failure: Redirects and handles post-registration flow.
  • Manages user-specific functionalities, particularly focusing on user profiles.

    • Display User Profile: GET /api/user/profile/{userId}
    • Edit Profile: GET /api/user/edit-profile
    • Update Profile: POST /api/user/edit-profile


  • Central configuration class that manages application settings and beans.

    • Data Source Configuration: Configures a DataSource bean using properties for database connectivity.
    • Entity Manager Factory: Sets up a LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean with a HibernateJpaVendorAdapter.
    • Transaction Manager: Configures a JpaTransactionManager for managing JPA transactions.
    • JPA and Entity Scanning: Activates Spring Data JPA repositories and transactional support, scans for entity definitions in the specified packages.
  • Manages security configurations for authentication.

    • BCryptPasswordEncoder: Configures a BCryptPasswordEncoder for secure password hashing.
  • Provides CSRF token configuration across the application.

    • CSRF Token Integration: Automatically makes CSRF tokens available as model attributes in all views.
  • Handles web configuration and resource management.

    • Thymeleaf Setup: Configures ThymeleafViewResolver and SpringTemplateEngine for managing views.
    • Static Resources: Manages the serving of static resources like CSS and JavaScript.
  • Configures security aspects for the application.

    • CSRF Protection: Utilizes CookieCsrfTokenRepository with HTTP-only set to false.
    • Session Management: Adopts a policy to create sessions as required.
    • Authorization: Ensures static resources and specific pages like login and registration are publicly accessible, while all other requests require authentication.
    • Form Login and Logout: Configures paths for form login and logout, handles successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts, manages cookies, and session invalidation.