
Open GL Isolating Colors Triangle App - C++

Primary LanguageC++

OpenGL Color Triangle Example


This project is a simple OpenGL application that renders a triangle which changes color over time. The color changes are driven by a fragment shader, which calculates colors based on a sinusoidal function of time, creating a dynamic visual effect. The application uses GLFW for window management and GLEW to manage OpenGL extensions.



  • C++ Compiler (GCC or Clang recommended)
  • GLFW
  • GLEW


  1. Ensure you have GLFW and GLEW installed on your system. You can usually find these in your package manager or download them from their respective websites:
  2. Clone this repository or download the source files.


Using the provided Makefile:

make all


Run the compiled executable:


You will see a window displaying a triangle whose colors change over time. You can interact with the application by moving the mouse, as the color changes respond to the mouse position.