Streamlit ML Classification App


This application is a Streamlit dashboard used for data inspection, normalization, and machine learning classification. The application allows users to upload a dataset, select features, choose a normalization method, and apply various classification models.


  • Data uploading through the Streamlit sidebar.
  • Data preprocessing with options to handle missing values:
    • Do nothing (fills missing values with zero).
    • Drop rows with missing values.
    • Fill missing values with the column mean.
  • Visualization of data via confusion matrix and ROC curve plots.
  • Selection of features to include in the model.
  • Normalization methods available:
    • Z-Score Normalization
    • Min-Max Normalization
  • Integration of classification models:
    • Random Forest
    • AdaBoost
    • Support Vector Machine (SVM)
    • Decision Tree

How to Use

  1. Start the Streamlit app by running streamlit run in your terminal.
  2. Use the sidebar to upload a CSV file and select the desired preprocessing and machine learning settings.
  3. Click "Run Classification" to train the model and view the results.