3rd party platform for Roblox users to trade items. This was my first full stack web project. It implements technologies such as MySQL, Flask (Python), the traditional frontend web stack (HTML, CSS, JS), web design, and much more. This source code is an MVP (minimum viable product). It functions completely, but it's not super pretty. I've removed some secret things like authentication cookies and auth token secrets.
Roblox is a platform that hosts many user-created games. There are cosmetic items called limiteds (hats, faces, accessories) on Roblox that users can trade with eachother. These items stay with you as you play different games.
Trading these items is a huge part of the Roblox "economy". Some people make real life money from doing it.
However, Roblox has two big problems: 1. Once you receive an item in a trade you have to wait multiple days until you can trade it (trade cooldown similar to CSGO) 2. Each user can only send 100 trades per day These two issues are extremely limiting to aspiring Roblox traders. Their trading progress is substantially slowed and they often become discouraged by the regulations.
That's where LimSwap (this site) comes in. It's a third party platform for users to trade limiteds without the annoying issues mentioned earlier. A completely free market, if you will. Users deposit their items onto the site by trading them to one of my accounts. They can then trade them on my site, but the actual Roblox owner of the item remains the same (my account) until they withdraw the item(s). This way, the trade limit and the waiting period are bypassed, allowing users to achieve much faster trade growth.
However, there is one huge problem. Roblox is very trigger happy when it comes to banning accounts. They don't really need any evidence to delete an account permanately. The actions of my holding accounts would surely seen as suspicious by Roblox, and the chance of them getting banned would be unreasonably high. It is for this reason that the platform would not be successful. Users would lose their items due to my holding accounts being banned. I've thought for a while about solutions, but as you can probably guess by me releasing the entire source code here, there isn't one.