Getting Started with Jido and Unity

Unity Project Setup

  • Create a new Unity Project.

  • Download the JidoMaps plugin for Unity here

  • In the Unity menu, go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and select this package file to import.

  • Drag the MapSession prefab, located in the JidoMaps folder, into the scene hierarchy.

  • Click on the MapSession prefab and set the developer key in the Unity Inspector Window.

Building the Unity Project

  • In the Unity player settings, set the iOS deployment target to version 11.0.

  • Build the Unity project for the iOS platform.

Building the iOS Project

  • Set the provisioning profile for your XCode project

  • Close the XCode project and then double click on pods.command in the newly created project directory. This command installs all necessary cocoapods and opens the newly created .xcworkspace file.


  • To build this project in version 9.3 beta of XCode, you will need to append the -beta suffix to the package version. For example: s.source = { :git => '', :tag => 'v0.1.6' } to: s.source = { :git => '', :tag => 'v0.1.6-beta' } in MapsyncLib.podspec.

  • Unity may produce an XCode project with spurious build errors on the first Unity project build, but these errors go away on subsequent "append" builds.

How to Save AR Sessions with Jido


Jido runs in the background during an ARKit ARSession to handle data management and synchronization with the API. To start a MapSession, you must access the Jido MapSession component as follows:

GameObject mapSessionGameObject = GameObject.Find("MapSession");
MapSession mapSession = mapSessionGameObject.GetComponent<MapSession> ();

Lastly, you must initialize a unique map session (this should only be done only once for each ARKit ARSession):

MapSession.Init (MapMode mapMode, string userId, string mapId, string developerKey)

MapMode determines if you are attempting to create a new session or are relocalizing assets on a map from a previously stored session. Your userID, and mapID are set to uniquely identify your session. Your developer key is used for authentication and is unique to your Jido account.

MapSession Events

After initializing MapSession you can bind to the following events:

  • AssetStoredEvent - Invoked after MapSession.StorePlacements() has been called. The bool event argument indicates whether or not the assets were saved successfully.
  • AssetLoadedEvent - Invoked when an asset has been relocalized in a localization session. The MapAsset event argument is the asset that has been localized.
  • StatusChangedEvent - Invoked on changes to MapSesssion's status. The event argument is a string containing the new MapSession status.

Saving an AR Session

When in MapMode.MapModeMapping, assets can be saved by calling MapSession.StorePlacements(List<MapAsset>) with a list of the MapAssets to be stored on the map.

StorePlacement() will store a List of MapAssets which are used to reference assets or waypoints in your user's AR Session (more information about MapAsset below). Shortly calling StorePlacement() the AssetStoredEvent will be invoked with a bool indicating whether or not the placement assets were stored successfully.

Reloading an AR Session

To reload an AR Session, MapSession must be initialized with MapMode.MapModeLocalization. When an asset has been re-localized in a localization session, the AssetLoadedEvent will be invoked with the newly localized MapAsset that was saved by the user in a prior mapping session and transformed to the current session's coordinate frame.

To use the MapAssets in your Unity project, simply create GameObjects that correspond to the saved AssetIds and place them in your scene using the position and orientation that was returned. Now the assets will be back in the session where you had left them!

MapAsset Class

The MapAsset stores the information necessary for each asset that is saved or reloaded from the Jido API. Each MapAsset has three member variables that are set when initialized.

public MapAsset(string assetId, float orientation, float x, float y, float z)

assetId is a custom identifier that can be set to any value. The position coordinates are relative to the global coordinate system of the asset in the saved session. The orientation is the y-axis orientation of the asset in the saved session.


  • Jido configures ARSession to run with z-axis set to true-north. This is necessary, and should not be manually overridden.
  • The phone must have an internet connection.
  • For an ideal relocalization, the user should be encouraged to move around so that they will cover an "interesting" part of the saved session.

Swift API Documentation