
Rainmeter Meme Maker

Primary LanguagePawn

Requierment: MagickMeter

During the Doge Meme craze, I wanted to make a Rainmeter skin to make it easier to make any kind of meme. Most of the skeleton is there, clicking to change the text, pasting your own image, exporting the image somewhere to easily get to it etc.

I even made it download random.txt from this repo, to keep the database of random words up to date. I decided to give up on that idea. If you read that file's previous revisions, there's a bit of a problem with it...

it was just racist, homophobic and albeist.

I didn't realize it at the time, but a certain group of bad actors has normalized language like that on the internet to just spread hate, I thought that if I used the same words too, I would be considered funny too, even more so since I had something to back me up by saying the meme is just "ironic". It's a sad part of my life when I tried to find my identity.

It's not, it was just hate speach and memes were used as scape goats or for semantics.

Good thing I didn't degenerate into identity politics.

Anyways, it's even funnier when years later I broke out of my shell to be myself fully, just like that Lady Gaga song, which is exactly what that group/language hated.

Project is abandoned. I gerw up.