
A tool that runs par2 recursively on each and every file in a specified directory.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


It's a python3 tool that runs par2cmdline recursively on each and every file in a specified directory. It expects you to have par2 command available.

I intend to use this tool to enhance long-living collections of small files with protection against random corruptions in situations where better solutions (ZFS) are unavailable or too costly. A restic repo comes to mind.


python par2tortilla.py run --help

Usage: par2tortilla.py run [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY

  --create / --no-create       Create PAR2 parities for files that do not have
                               them.  [default: False]
  --verify / --no-verify       Verify files that have PAR2 parities.
                               [default: False]
  --repair / --no-repair       Repair damaged files, assuming they have PAR2
                               parities.  [default: False]
  --parity-file-count INTEGER  PAR2 file count. Uniform size.  [default: 1]
  --redundancy INTEGER         PAR2 redundancy.  [default: 10]
  --block-count INTEGER        PAR2 block count.  [default: 500]
  -p, --processes INTEGER      Process files simultaneously.  [default: 2]
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Consider not using it just yet

  • If par2cmdline throws error, it's not handled properly by this tool. That shouldn't eat your data though.
  • No way to actually list files of certain state (damaged, unrepairable etc.)
  • par2 files are stored along the data. This is something I personally want, but I plan to implement option to store them in a separate location.
  • No way to clean up backups left after repair
  • No way to clean up orphaned par2 files.
  • --verify checks only the status of data files, it does not detect if the parity files are damaged.
  • Tests cover only happy paths.
  • Note that par2cmdline is already multithreaded, running this tool with large -p value on large files might needlessly overload your machine.


Let's have a directory ../test/ with 4 files.
python par2tortilla.py run ../test/

Data files with parity: 0
Data files without parity: 4
PAR2 files: 0
PAR2 files without data files: 0
Data file backups (?) created by par2repair: 0
Nothing was asked, nothing to do.

Let's create the parity files. python par2tortilla.py run --create ../test/

Creating parities...
creating par2 parity for '..\test\008ec90ccddd8f7e53a8205471c8dd803f84f17997ef94e0eed9f9e5d7c48887'...
creating par2 parity for '..\test\00c4e284c723cae7c057e47f63e313848a59d313be69f47bfee830acf9db1c1c'...
creating par2 parity for '..\test\006f19fd1a0dc96b58bf701d01b0707fb37e4bbb1a651cb998482f803210170f'...
creating par2 parity for '..\test\006809060d2af1515c52b6f90b76f60434c843dd64d065f21f72699f4469f699'...

And then verify. python par2tortilla.py run --verify ../test/

Verifying files...
verifying file '..\test\00c4e284c723cae7c057e47f63e313848a59d313be69f47bfee830acf9db1c1c'...
verifying file '..\test\006f19fd1a0dc96b58bf701d01b0707fb37e4bbb1a651cb998482f803210170f'...
verifying file '..\test\006809060d2af1515c52b6f90b76f60434c843dd64d065f21f72699f4469f699'...
verifying file '..\test\008ec90ccddd8f7e53a8205471c8dd803f84f17997ef94e0eed9f9e5d7c48887'...
Files that are OK: 4
Files that are damaged but repairable: 0
Files that are damaged and unrepairable: 0

Let's delete a file. python par2tortilla.py run --verify ../test/

Verifying files...
verifying file '..\test\008ec90ccddd8f7e53a8205471c8dd803f84f17997ef94e0eed9f9e5d7c48887'...
verifying file '..\test\00c4e284c723cae7c057e47f63e313848a59d313be69f47bfee830acf9db1c1c'...
verifying file '..\test\006f19fd1a0dc96b58bf701d01b0707fb37e4bbb1a651cb998482f803210170f'...
Files that are OK: 3
Files that are damaged but repairable: 0
Files that are damaged and unrepairable: 0

Suspicious... python par2tortilla.py run ../test/

Data files with parity: 3
Data files without parity: 0
PAR2 files: 8
PAR2 files without data files: 2 <------------------ here
Data file backups (?) created by par2repair: 0
Nothing was asked, nothing to do.

Well, at least you know about it.

Let's damage a file. python .\par2tortilla.py run --verify ..\test\

Verifying files...
verifying file '..\test\006f19fd1a0dc96b58bf701d01b0707fb37e4bbb1a651cb998482f803210170f'...
verifying file '..\test\008ec90ccddd8f7e53a8205471c8dd803f84f17997ef94e0eed9f9e5d7c48887'...
verifying file '..\test\00c4e284c723cae7c057e47f63e313848a59d313be69f47bfee830acf9db1c1c'...
Files that are OK: 2
Files that are damaged but repairable: 1
Files that are damaged and unrepairable: 0

Let's repair it. python .\par2tortilla.py run --verify --repair ..\test\

Verifying files...
verifying file '..\test\008ec90ccddd8f7e53a8205471c8dd803f84f17997ef94e0eed9f9e5d7c48887'...
verifying file '..\test\00c4e284c723cae7c057e47f63e313848a59d313be69f47bfee830acf9db1c1c'...
verifying file '..\test\006f19fd1a0dc96b58bf701d01b0707fb37e4bbb1a651cb998482f803210170f'...
Files that are OK: 2
Files that are damaged but repairable: 1
Files that are damaged and unrepairable: 0
Repairing files...
repairing file '..\test\006f19fd1a0dc96b58bf701d01b0707fb37e4bbb1a651cb998482f803210170f'...
Repaired 1/1 files.

The end. python par2tortilla.py run ../test/

Data files with parity: 3
Data files without parity: 0
PAR2 files: 8
PAR2 files without data files: 2
Data file backups (?) created by par2repair: 1
Nothing was asked, nothing to do.