Columnar Data Validator

This mini project is aimed at consolidating a generic Data Validation specification for columnar data files, e.g. CSV, Xlsx, etc., open to be implemented in any language.

Below are the areas of emphasis:

  • Validation Engine Pipeline
  • Validation Rules
  • Input Spec
  • Output Spec

Validation Engine Pipeline


Validation Rules

Rules should cover destination column definitions + custom rules (optional)

Destination specifics

Custom Rules:

Name Description Params
NotEmpty Check for value. Cannot be empty
StringLength Check string length - min: number
- max: number
- exact: number
SumOfColumns Check that value holds computation from defined columns - ordinal: number
- computationOrdinals: number[]

To research:

  • Mapping from source:[lang_specific | generic] <--> destination:[databases - mssql, mysql, postgresql, etc.]
  • Take a look at strategies taken at ORM such as EF, SQLAlchemy, Gorm, etc.

Input Spec


The file that defines the entire process.

  "id": string | Guid,
  "name": string,
  "destinationType": "MSSQL" | "MySQL" | "PostgreSQL" | etc...,
  "rulesets": [
      "ordinal": number,
      "rules": [
          "rule": ValidationRuleName [ Destination specific - (BIGINT | INT | etc...) | Custom - (NotEmpty | SumOfColumns | etc...)],
	  "severity": "Warning" | "Error",
	  "params"?: ValidationRuleParams

Data Source

Define the source of data. Application should then handle the ingestion accordingly.

  • Remote
    • Protocol - FTP, SFTP, HTTP, etc.
    • Url
  • Stream
  • Json

Output Spec

  "status": "Success" | "Warning" | "Error",
  "detail": [
      "field": string,
      "rules": [
          "rule": ValidationRuleName [ Destination specific - (BIGINT | INT | etc...) | Custom - (NotEmpty | SumOfColumns | etc...)],
          "status": "Success" | "Warning" | "Error"