
⬍ A fully-featured Rails Application that replicates Reddit functionality.

Primary LanguageRuby


Just like Reddit, Bloccit is an app where people can post, vote on, share and save links and comments. Bloccit is a fully responsive, fully functional, rapidly developed MVP constructed to focus on back-end engineering.

Feature Set:

  • As a public user, I am able to only view the content on Bloccit.
  • As a member, I want to securely sign up for a free account by providing a name, email, and password. I also want to sign in and out of Bloccit.
  • As a member, I want to create a post. Posts must be associated with a user and a topic.
  • As a member authoring a post, I want to add labels (tags) to my post. Labels must be associated with posts.
  • As a member, I want to add a comment within a post. Comments should display instantly without loading. Comments must be associated with a user and a post.
  • As a member, I should be able to edit or delete posts and comments I've authored.
  • As a member, I want to be able to favorite posts, and view a list of my favorites. Favorites must belong to a user.
  • As a member, I want to be able to vote up/vote down posts.
  • All posts within a topic should be ordered by a ranking algorithm. Every post must have an associated ranking value (hidden).
  • As an admin, I want to be able to edit or delete comments, posts or entire Bloccit topics.
  • As an admin, I want to be able to create site topics, the equivalent of sub-reddits.
  • All registered users must have a role (member or admin.)

Technology & Praxis:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Test-Driven Development (RSpec)
  • MVC Architecture
  • RESTful API design
  • Secure User Authentication
  • Scoped actions & content for public, private, and Admin users
  • SQL database configuration & management
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete functions
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Nested resources & associations


Bloccit is hand-crafted by Drian Hillman during the Software Engineering Track at BLOC.