
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate - Cyclistic capstone project

Primary LanguageHTML

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This repository contains all the data and resources used during the capstone project for the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate.


The files and folders are organized in the following manner:

  • charts/ contains the charts rendered during the analysis and used in the report
  • raw/ contains the raw data collected to be analyzed
  • trips/ contains the folder structure where the unzipped files must be extracted to
  • Cyclistic - Case study.pdf the file with study case description
  • cyclistic_data_analysis_project.Rmd the R file the analysis steps
  • cyclistic_data_analysis_project.html the rendered output of the R file

How to run the R file

To correctly run the R file with the analysis you first need to extract each zip file in the raw folder and add the csv file in the correct folder under the trips structure.

After that just open the file in R studio and run each of the steps.

Obs.: This is necessary due to size restrictions in place in Github, that won't allow to upload large files.


This article can also be found on the blog https://driegerblog.wordpress.com/2024/01/23/cyclistic-study-case/