
Web application — VueJS / Storyblok CMS

Primary LanguageVue


Boilerplate for using VueJS, NuxtJS headless with Storyblok CMS via REST API hosted on Netlify

To Do

- [X] Update gitnore (vue,osx,node,nuxt,sass,macos)
- [X] Install SASS deps
- [X] Configure linting + prettier
- [ ] Init testing (jest?)
- [X] Init TypeScript (removed due small scale)
- [X] Markdown Component
- [X] Image optimalisation (compression + rendering)
- [X] Scroll animation / animationtriggering solution (GSAP + Plugins)
- [X] Init Netlify
- [X] SSL redirection (via Netlify)
- [X] Google Analytics
- [X] Connect meta + seo data to StoryBlokCMS

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

# Launch lint
$ npm run lint

# Lint fixing
$ npm run lintfix

# NPM vulnerabilities audit
$ npm audit fix

Nuxt Config

* Add Google Analytics ID
* Add Storyblok secrets
* Rename title + description in package.json

Netlify Config

* Add build commants
* Add secrets to env
* If SSR: add Storyblok webhook

For detailed explanation on how things work, read Nuxt docs and Storyblok docs and Netlify docs.